Origin And improvement Of advice And Counseling practice In Tanzanian Schools

Practice Problems - Origin And improvement Of advice And Counseling practice In Tanzanian Schools

Hello everybody. Yesterday, I learned about Practice Problems - Origin And improvement Of advice And Counseling practice In Tanzanian Schools. Which may be very helpful if you ask me so you. Origin And improvement Of advice And Counseling practice In Tanzanian Schools

1.0. Overview

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Practice Problems

1.1. Background and History of guidance and Counseling in general in School convention and other setting

The history of school counseling formally started at the turn of the twentieth century, although a case can be made for tracing the foundations of counseling and guidance law to old Greece and Rome with the philosophical teachings of Plato and Aristotle. There is also evidence to argue that some of the techniques and skills of modern-day guidance counselors were practiced by Catholic priests in the middle ages, as can be seen by the dedication to the belief of confidentiality within the confessional. Near the end of the sixteenth century, one of the first texts about occupation options appeared: The Universal Plaza of All the Professions of the World, (1626) written by Tomaso Garzoni quoted in Guez, W. & Allen, J. (2000). Nevertheless, formal guidance programs using specialized textbooks did not start until the turn of the twentieth century.

Counseling is a belief that has existed for a long time in Tanzania. We have sought through the ages to understand ourselves, offer counsel and manufacture our potential, become aware of opportunities and, in general, help ourselves in ways connected with formal guidance practice. In most communities, there has been, and there still is, a deeply embedded conviction that, under proper conditions, people can help others with their problems. Some people help others find ways of dealing with, solving, or transcending problems as Nwoye, (2009) prescribed in his writings. In schools, presently if the collaboration between teachers and students is good, students learn in a practical way. Young people manufacture degrees of relaxation in their lives as they become aware of options and take benefit of them. At its best, helping should enable people to throw off chains and administrate life situations effectively. Unprecedented economic and collective changes have, over the years, changed the ways in which we administrate our lives. Consequently, not all the lessons of the past can effectively deal with the challenges of contemporary times. Productive counseling, especially in institutions of studying has now become important. Boys and girls, and young men and women, need to be guided in the relationships between health and the environment, earning skills, knowledge, and attitudes that lead to success and failure in life. The need for counseling has become predominant in order to promote the well-being of the child. Productive guidance and counseling should help to enhance the self-image of young people and facilitate achievement in life tasks. Counseling should empower girls and boys to partake fully in, and benefit from, the economic and collective improvement of the nation.

2.0. Definitions of Concepts

2.1. Guidance

Guidance is an act of showing the way for some people, like adolescents, who cannot find the right path. It is directing, pointing, foremost and accompanying. guidance is saying "Yes" to man who is request for help. It is saying "Yes" to an invitation of man who wants a temporary companion along life's way.

Guidance is giving directions to the lonely, confused, unloved, the suffering, the sick and the lost. It is pointing to some possibilities of thinking, feeling and acting. It is foremost the man psychologically, emotionally and even spiritually to some newer ways of meaningful living. It is with those who are fearful and uncertain, those who need man along the rugged path of life's journey.

From an objective point of view, guidance is part and parcel of the counseling profession. It is called directive counseling. High school and even college students need guidance when they are unsure of what choices to make or what directions to take. The guidance consultant "opens up" a world of choices for these persons for them to choose from. It is like presenting the universe when all that a man sees is the lonely planet earth. The guidance consultant enlarges and widens the horizon of people who sees only a narrow path or a concealed view of that path. Thus, the focus is on possibilities and choices.

Usually, guidance occurs in schools. High school and college students avail of guidance and counseling services in their school. More often, young people are unsure of what to do, how to react or respond, and how to act in obvious choices. When this occurs, they need man older, wiser and more experienced to show them the way, to guide them. This is the role of the guidance consultant to extend assistance when primary to those who are confused, uncertain, and needing advice. However, some adults may need guidance too.

2.2. Counseling:

Counseling is guiding and more. It is a way of medical hurts. It is both a science and an art. It is a science because to offer counsel, guidance or assistance, the consultant must have the knowledge of the basic law and techniques of counseling. The consultant must be able to use any of these basic law and techniques as paradigms in order for him to counsel well. However, it is not adequate to use know these basic law and techniques. The other foremost aspect is for the consultant to know how to counsel-the art of counseling. This aspect considers counseling as a relationship, as a sharing of life, in the hope that the man who is hurting will be healed. As a relationship, counseling involves the physical, emotional, and psychical or spiritual dimensions. The consultant must have the potential to narrate to the counselee in an approved corporeal manner without being too intimate or too close for ease or being too distant or aloof. The emotional dimension in counseling includes empathy, sensitivity and the potential to elaborate non-verbal clues of the counselee in order to understand unresolved complexes or pent-up feelings. The psychical or spiritual dimension embraces the counselee's "soul-content"---what lies inside. This is what is called the interiority of the person. The consultant must have the gift or grace of catching a remarked of the interior world of the person, particularly his spiritual condition, for this is very foremost in medical the person's hurts.

2.3. Other Definitions of the Concepts

Biswalo (1996) defines guidance as a term used to denote the process of helping an personel to gain self understanding and self direction (self decision-making) so that he can adjust maximally to his home, school or society environment. This process, however, depends on counseling. He also defines counseling as a process of helping an personel to accept and use data and guidance so that he can either solve his gift question or cope with it successfully. He goes further remarking that sometimes the process helps the personel to accept unchangeable situation for example, loss of dearly loved ones and to some extent turn it in its favour rather than letting himself be overcome by the situation. Guez and Allen (2000) remarked that it is difficult to think of a singular definition of counseling. This is because definitions of counseling depend on theoretical orientation. Counseling is a learning-oriented process, which occurs commonly in an interactive relationship, with the aim of helping a man learn more about the self, and to use such understanding to enable the man to become an Productive member of society. Counseling is a process by means of which the helper expresses care and concern towards the man with a problem, and facilitates that person's personal increase and brings about turn through self-knowledge. Counseling is a relationship between a implicated man and a man with a need. This relationship is commonly person-to-person, although sometimes it may involve more than two people. It is designed to help people to understand and elaborate their views, and learn how to reach their self-determined goals through meaningful, well-informed choices, and through the resolution of emotional or interpersonal problems. It can be seen from these definitions that counseling can have different meanings.

3.0. Origin of guidance and Counseling convention in Pre-Colonial Era

Counseling in Tanzania in different forms and with different interpretations, has existed in societies for a long time before colonial era. The differences and contradictions in present-day, have their origin in the collective and historical forces that have shaped contemporary culture. In Tanzania people in all societies, and at all times, have experienced emotional or psychological distress and behavioural problems. In each culture, there have been well established ways and methods of helping individuals with their problems. However, there are no adequate written sources about the origin of guidance and counseling convention in Tanzanian schools. But like other places before colonial era there were excellent unique elements which held the societies together in their livelihood. The elements consist of the extended house system, including the clan and the tribe, chieftaincy, taboos, various forms of initiation and close links with ancestors and elders.

The village is the focal point of society. While each one of these elements is important, only a few are used to elaborate the role of guidance and counseling in present-day Tanzanian societies. Basically, customary chiefs had complicated roles which included serving as a symbol of authority and as a regulator. Since these roles were approved and respected by all, there was a clear direction in the day-to-day affairs of society. The elders, the chief included, were a primary source of guidance and counseling for boys and girls. In most cases, the chiefs were regarded as a vital link between ancestors and the gift generation. This link was strengthened by the rituals, ceremonies and taboos attached to them. It was easy to guide and counsel the young, since the rituals or ceremonies were also aimed at preparing for adult roles in society. The extended family, the clan, and the village, made society supportive. No personel regarded him/herself as alien. Counseling was readily sought and provided. The forms of guidance and counseling complicated were given guidance and sharing wisdom.

4.0. The Developments of guidance and Counseling Practices in Tanzanian Schools

4.1. guidance and Counseling Practices in Tanzanian Schools Trends

In realizing this perhaps, since we are reasoning of the concepts in school setting, we should think the meaning of counseling in study discipline. One could think that the definitions given above on the term guidance and counseling, their meaning can be directed to study grounds and now give the meaning correctly. Guez and Allen (2000) pointed out that a term educational counseling was first coined by Truman Kelley in 1914 in Makinde, (1988), educational counseling is a process of rendering services to pupils who need assistance in making decisions about foremost aspects of their education, such as the option of courses and studies, decisions about interests and ability, and choices of college and high school. Educational counseling increases a pupil's knowledge of educational opportunities.

The ever growing complexity of society in Tanzania, coupled with collective problems like Hiv/Aids and the rapid improvement of science and technology, place heavy demands on education. The school, as an foremost collective institution, was required to adapt speedily to changing patterns, and help prepare citizens for tomorrow's challenges. That is where guidance and counseling in the educational law should help boys and girls alike, to manufacture their capacities to the full. These consist of intellectual, social, corporeal and moral capacities. This help is of the most foremost in Tanzania as long as the history and age of study provision and in its systems found today.

Guidance and counseling practices improvement in Tanzanian schools can be traced back from the time when vocational study was emerging right at the colonial period. In the process of establishing counseling services in Tanzania, there was a need to first understand the underlying factors that influence people's beliefs and perceptions about such practices. However, this is belief that was not taken in to observation at the time and it may be up to recent time. It is especially foremost to understand the economic, socio-political, religious beliefs, customs and traditions, and cultural changes that are gift in different regions of the country. Young people should be understood within this context, but also within the paradoxical situation of having to face the customary and the contemporary world, but this is a big challenge to Tanzania and many developing African countries. While colonial period there were some form of vocational guidance under the occupation guidance and it was administered by occupation masters. But the occupation masters who were superior by the head of schools had no expert training in vocational guidance. In fact the duty was minute to helping students fill out employment forms and writing letters of application. In the missionary schools vocational guidance was confined to religious services. The teachers who were commonly 'fathers', pastors, or reverends guided and trained spiritually inclined youths to become sisters, brothers, fathers and pastors upon their completion of formal education.

Apart of what could be done in schools in Tanzania, guidance and counseling was more or less a private house affair. Parents and relatives counseled their children on all matters of life management and question solving. It is true that in many families the duty of general guidance was the customary duty of senior members of the family, father, mother, uncle, aunt, and grandparents. In case of serious personal or house problems, counseling was done by a specially organized by the society as a competent in handling that specific problem. This is done without any knowledge obtained from formal or informal school law but rather through touch and age wise through collected wisdom. This kind of early form of counseling from school setting and society helped the young to be brought into the thoughprovoking image of living in the hereafter to the society.

4.2. guidance and Counseling Practices in Tanzanian Schools in Post-colonial era

In several literatures and sources, guidance and counseling in study sector in Tanzania and some other African countries is regarded as the youngest discipline. This is evidenced by First International conference on Guidance, Counseling and Youth improvement in Africa held in Nairobi, Kenya from 22nd to 26th April, 2002 which pointed out that the Guidance, Counseling and Youth improvement Programme was initiated in Africa in April 1994, following the First Pan African conference on the study of Girls that was held in Ouagadougou in 1993. It is designed to introduce or enlarge guidance and counseling in African countries. It focuses on capacity construction in the countries complicated and provides training at both regional and national levels on issues of guidance and counseling of schools and colleges.

What we can call expert guidance and counseling in Tanzania schools begin in the year 1984 following the National October 1984 Arusha Conference, where guidance and counseling services were endorsed by the government as and integral part of the country's study law (Biswalo, 1996). The aim of the conference is to manufacture systematic criteria for secondary schools students' guidance and counseling. Students were then advised, guided and counseled on matters about their job option and trainee placement for further education. This job was assigned to occupation masters and mistresses as explained below, however, there were no adequate guidance and counseling personnel not only in the responsible ministry but also in the schools.

Guidance and Counseling is now becoming slowly institutionalized and spread in educational institutions. Schools, for example, have to a large extent taken over the task of providing psychological maintain to boys and girls. Any way Biswalo (1996) comments that in Tanzania policies pertinent to guidance and counseling is still lacking. The Ministry of Education, however, has somehow tried to institutionalize the services within the study law by appointing occupation masters and mistresses. He prolonged saying that the personnel are expensed with the accountability of advising heads of secondary schools about students job option and trainee placement for further education; to try and help students understands and manufacture interest in approved jobs or further study or training; to asses the students talents and capabilities and to encourage them to pursue careers or further study best excellent to them and to help students solve their personal problems which may influence their general enlarge in school.

This is an impossible and realistic burden on these untrained personnel. It reflects the apathy of policy and decision makers about the new field of guidance and counseling in schools; the force of the myth of planned manpower in which occupation guidance is erroneously regarded as redundant and the gross lack of trained personnel who would furnish Productive guidance and counseling services in schools. It is unfortunate that even after the National October 1984 Arusha conference on the strengthening of study in Tanzania, where guidance and counseling services were endorsed by the government as and integral part of the country's study system, the services are to-date still patchy and ineffective in Tanzania's educational institutions. guidance and counseling in this manner is discussed by different scholars in primary, secondary and tertiary study levels together.

5.0. guidance and Counseling Practices in customary and Secondary Schools

In customary school levels in Tanzania in actual fact there were and are no specified pupils' teacher-counselors. However, the action is left to teachers themselves to rule what is to be done since there is no programmed or time-tabled action about guidance and counseling. Teachers are left to use part of the teaching to convention guidance and counseling in and outside the classroom although not all teachers have gone teacher-counselor training. As children enter school they need orientation on school itself, its environment, school society and the curriculum to motivate and manufacture obvious attitude toward studying and school society as well (Biswalo, 1996). As the pupils grow older and pass through different grades they need to be directed in studying skills, overcome studying difficulties and other school connected problems. But this action is not performed systematically in customary schools in Tanzania.

In the case of secondary schools till to-date there is also insufficient programmed or time-tabled law of guiding and counseling students. In some cases this duty is left to discipline masters and sometimes to class masters and head of schools. At secondary school level, students would seek educational opportunities, data of all kinds and any other help pertinent to educational pursuits. These needs are catered to by educational guidance and counseling (ibid). At this level students are helped with subject choice, study techniques and tests and examination. Biswalo (1996) pointed out that sometimes While subject choice, pride of placing as many students as possible in prestigious streams, such as science, takes precedence over actual abilities, interests and aptitudes of students. He said this unfortunate situation has been born out of the lack of genuine educational guidance and counseling services in secondary schools.

The school has an foremost role to play in preparing pupils for prolonged secondary education, paid employment, self-employment and life in the community, as clearly set out by the Ministry of study in the objectives for its secondary curriculum. Perhaps uniquely, there would be total deal among pupils, teachers and parents over the relative emphasis a obvious schools settled on the preparing for further education, with its focus on schoraly knowledge and the pursuance of success in the national examinations. That is, the secondary schools where counseling is not well performed settled minute emphasis on citizenship and the improvement of a responsible attitude to life in the society at the local, regional or national level and employment opportunities. However, what is de-emphasized is the informal sector including self-employment but the emphasized is employment in the formal sector with its implied emphasis on white collar jobs.

5.1. Vocational, occupation guidance and Counseling

In Tanzania teachers have the capacity to directly influence their pupils' option of careers. The achievements and attitudes of pupils have been shown to be connected to the characteristics and achievements of their teachers (World Bank, 1995; quoted in Nyutu, P.N. & Norman C.G. 2008). However, the influence of the school depends on the formal interactions and communication which take place between teachers and pupils in the classroom whereas television and radio, act through the informal interactions pupils have with these media. The influence of parents and siblings is through both formal and informal means.

That is in most cases in Tanzania and may be other states where guidance and counseling is rarely done in schools; parents play the big role to influence on their children's option of careers. Others who have lower level careers i.e. Teachers, clerks, drivers, personal secretaries, soldiers etc. Do not anticipate their children 'following in their footsteps' because for the children who are able to study to higher level sometimes saw these jobs as narrow and lacking in interest. Any way it is suggested that parents' occupation might have influenced their children's option of careers, but this happened to children who have generic skills useful in such jobs, and a few may have job skills relevant to those jobs. Passage to data through the media and other forms of technology is giving young people aspirations that, for the most part, cannot be satisfied in their own environment. Choices have to be made and young people must gain the skills to correlate situations and make informed decisions. There is no longer a natural, understandable order from birth to adulthood for the Tanzanian young.

Vocational guidance at secondary school levels is in case,granted but in very few among others because of shortages of school or vocational trained counselors. For those lucky schools with these kinds of counselors, students are helped but vocational counseling is not emphasized because most pupils, teachers and of policy parents push students to make long range plans of study so that to prepare well for the envisaged careers. These counselors plan with school administrators and teachers to furnish approved class placement for students with extra abilities or disabilities for policy option by students.

5.2. Tertiary Level

The tertiary level students are in case,granted with orientation and other educational guidance and counseling. In Tanzania tertiary level have at least fulfilled the need of having excellent students' counselors for both psychological and academics, though they are few in number. Here counselors play a big role in compiling total data on all aspects of the careers connected to the training offered in the institution. Counselors sometimes merge with management or practicum group to manufacture field practices for students and even more rarely might contacts with relevant employing agencies (Biswalo, 1996).
6.0. belief on guidance and Counseling in Tanzania

According to the study by Sima (2004), expert counseling is yet to be recognized as a stand-alone profession in Tanzania and in many African countries. Nevertheless, the arrival and setting of Hiv/Aids in the country has strengthened the base for counseling. This is particularly because of the multifaceted nature of the Hiv/Aids pandemic whose attention, unlike other human diseases, goes beyond the prerogatives of the medical profession. Thus, counseling is perceived as a crucial avenue for arresting of Hiv infection through provision of adequate and relevant information, and for collective and psychological maintain of people infected and affected by the pandemic. Ibid prolonged saying that since the emergence of the pandemic in the country, a number of non-governmental organizations have been offering counseling services however, there is lack of clarity on the type and nature of counseling services offered by these organization. The nature and characteristics of counseling clients also remain fuzzy.

In Tanzania the expert counseling as aforesaid is relatively a new phenomenon. Outwater (1995) quoted in Sima (2004) comments that before Hiv/Aids epidemic, there was no formal counseling service in Tanzanian hospitals, no expert counselors and no formal law for training counselors. There was a need to fill this gap by training as many counselors as possible to furnish optimal care for Aids patients and their relatives (Nacp, 1989; quoted in ibid). Since then many para-professional counselors have been trained in basic knowledge and skills of counseling. Currently there are many counseling centers working not only on Hiv/Aids connected problems but also different problems affecting Tanzanians. However, as counseling became beloved with the arrival of Hiv/Aids, many people assume that it is only meant for people infected and affected by Hiv/Aids and shy away from it for fear of being labeled (Sima, 2002; quoted in Sima 2004).

7.0. Problems and Challenges

The Tanzanian government have not yet formulated in the study policy issues pertaining guidance and counseling in spite of the crucially and necessity in schools. Biswalo (1996) pointed out that in Tanzania policies pertinent to guidance and counseling is still lacking. He prolonged saying that efforts directed towards fulfilling guidance and counseling needs are apparently thwarted by several difficulties including financial resources to maintain the even established tiny counseling activities in several schools.

In Tanzania till today counseling is relatively new phenomenon. There are no adequate excellent counselors in schools and other study institutions. However, there are minute number of excellent counselors, they are either not utilized well in schools or they are engaged in other activities rather than what they are trained for. Some of school counselors are also teachers and they are fully busy with teaching responsibilities. More surprisingly counseling is perceived as a crucial avenue for only arresting of Hiv infection through provision of adequate and relevant information, and for collective and psychological maintain of people infected and affected by the Hiv/Aids (Sima, 2004).

There is slow increase of guidance and counseling in educational systems attributed to lack of funds, training facilities, and high turnover of guidance counselors to green pastures and in adequately trained counselors. For instance in many schools they lack counseling offices, trained teacher-counselors and counseling equipments. In terms of funds there are various options that can be explored to alleviate financial constraints. extra schools on profit of parents in need can approach non-governmental organizations.

The absence of solid expert counseling relationship in Tanzania to set standards for the approved convention is an additional one challenge (Nwoye, 2008). Also insufficient availability of expert consultant training programs in Tanzanian colleges and universities is an additional one contributing challenge.

There are no efforts to manufacture counseling curriculum in secondary schools and colleges and guidance and counseling courses in the universities. guidance curriculum and responsive services can then be structured to address the five content areas, namely human relationships, occupation development, collective values, self development, and studying skills. A guidance curriculum could be taught to students at different levels or in small groups to address issues that are similar to them. For guidance and counseling programs to be Productive in Tanzania, trained professionals should be employed to administrate and offer services in schools. Such professionals should also be in case,granted with relevant facilities and structural support. At the same time, universities and trainer training institutions will have to manufacture and manufacture programs that train expert school counselors and other guidance personnel.

There is still insufficient assistance in higher study institutions to enable students achieves their occupation aspirations. However, students today indicate a higher need for occupation guidance than students in the past decade. Students may therefore be encountering an increased need to gain relevant occupation data that will enable them seek better paid jobs. Many schools have in the past appointed some teachers as occupation masters without providing them with the primary training and facilities for occupation guidance. Such occupation masters commonly assume that all students will end up in universities and only focus on helping students perfect university application forms and no more. It is the high time for the government to set and implement the policy that will enhance guidance and counseling from customary schools to the tertiary level and in turn will manufacture programs that train expert school counselors and other guidance personnel.

8.0. Conclusion

Guidance and counseling sought to prepare pupils in their study program to enter into the world of approved work by linking the school curriculum to employment. For the school to be prosperous in this endeavor, subjects should be taught at a pleasant and suitable environment and should be made relevant and thoughprovoking to the pupils. an additional one factor that needs to be thought about is the recruitment of competent teachers capable of guiding and counseling learners in relating what they teach to the job market. What is taught and how it is taught can have great influence on the interest and perception of learners. In Tanzania the spirit to plan and use guidance and counseling services in the Productive improvement and utilization of their respective young human resources is evidently strong. However, as Biswalo (1996) said the efforts directed towards fulfilling this need are apparently thwarted by several difficulties. It appears total and enlightened commitment on the part of policy and decision makers is primary and should be certainly surmount the problems.

The emergence of occupation improvement in western countries as a manufacture suggests that it may be an primary area in developing country like Tanzania where students need assistance; students particularly need assistance in selecting colleges and courses. To this end, the schools should offer a occupation guidance and counseling programme under the able leadership of excellent school counselors.

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Child preserve cost Sample Letter

Practice Problems - Child preserve cost Sample Letter

Good afternoon. Yesterday, I learned about Practice Problems - Child preserve cost Sample Letter. Which is very helpful for me so you. Child preserve cost Sample Letter

Any child retain problems that may come about can be taken care of in court by submitting a letter of observation to the judge. The following are some of the child retain payment sample letters that any parent can make. A mom write a letter asking help of what she will do because she cannot afford anymore to pay child retain on time. Other one is that her ex-spouse is being late with the child support, the check bounces or sometimes she is only given half of the whole agreed upon, she is asking if she can retain the visitation.

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Practice Problems

Regarding the first child retain payment sample letter of a mom that cannot pay the child retain on time she also explained her reasons that she also has three children that are being supported and one in college, she cannot think of where to find money to retain the child, she is disabled and no earnings at all but the court ordered the maximum payments and did not think her other children. She is not intending to neglect her child retain but the problems occur. In this manner the court advises her to decree changed circumstances to be thought about in modifying her child support. She must clue the court of her problems in supporting her house and if she submits a changed condition invite that is the only time wherein the court can decree about her letter.

The second payment sample letter is from a custodial parent who is having a question receiving child retain from her ex spouse; it is always late and lacking. She is asking if she can retain visitation of her child. The court says that she cannot retain visitation because child retain and visitation are two cut off legal issues. The courts do not like it when one party takes the law in his or her own hands to alleviate problems in child support. The court can charge the offending party, the one withholding visitation with penalties and if your ex-spouse decides to sue for custody, the performance of withholding can be held against him or her. He or she can deal directly with each other to solve the problem, he or she must find out the question that becomes the root of the delayed support. If after dealing with each other and no solutions are found then he or she can go to court and ask the court for retain obligations. The court can order wage garnishment wherein the employer will be the one to deduct the child retain from the paycheck.

The given child retain payment sample letters can give some explication to those implicated who also have the same question and are ashamed to open up. Wage garnishment is not so much used as a explication unless both parties decree to do so. The most prominent thing here is the withholding of visitation is not allowed. To avoid problems that will lead to a court hearing and you may be the one to pay for attorney's fee and other expenses with the court case. Some judges include Cola in their orders when setting child support. Because of this there is no need for modification requests based solely on cost of living increases.

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Jinns and Exorcisms in Islam - Abu Muhammad

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The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy

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Sectionals HS Pole Vault (15'8 attempts junior)

Practice Problems - Sectionals HS Pole Vault (15'8 attempts junior)

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Deepak Chopra- Learn How to Meditate (Nauči meditirati)

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Problems With medical Tattoos

Practice Problems - Problems With medical Tattoos

Hello everybody. Today, I learned all about Practice Problems - Problems With medical Tattoos. Which is very helpful if you ask me and also you. Problems With medical Tattoos

Signs of general Healing

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Practice Problems

At first the tattoo looks shiny, swollen and the colors are extra bright. Within 24 hours the scab forms, this should be very thin, looks like the tattoo and with permissible care is slightly flexible.

After about 4-5 days the tattoo will go straight through a period of peeling. This looks similar to a sunburn peeling. The scab that peels off will be the color of the tattoo, and it will look like your tattoo is flaking off. Sometimes this stage is accompanied by mild itching which can be relieved by rubbing it slowly with more ointment or lotion.

Do not ever leave your tattoo slick or sticky.
Always blot off any extra ointment or lotion.

When the tattoo is fully done pealing you will observation a layer underneath the new tattoo that contains medical skin cells that will cause the skin to seem milky rather than transparent. Don't worry about this; it's all part of the medical process and only takes about a month to go away. If you want, you can put lotion on the tattoo to help it look brighter and more healed during this final stage of healing.

Symptoms of Bad Healing

When medical goes wrong there are very few things that can happen. Some of the signs that things are going wrong are; extreme seeping, heavy scabbing, inordinate inflammation, and sometimes a rash (little bumps) or pimples.

Often when things go wrong population assume that the tattoo is infected. Unless you work or live in a very dirty environment (see below) it probably isn't. You should always show the tattoo to your artists before heading for the doctors' office.

Most doctors know nothing about tattoo after care and some of them are prejudice against tattoos. They often time prescription unnecessary drugs and medicine that can make the medical even worse.

A expert tattoo artist has been trained in medical correction. They know what infected tattoos look like and will only send you to a doctor when necessary. Looking the right someone can save you time and money, not to mention the done look of your tattoo.

Aftercare Mistakes

Neglect -

If you don't custom good personal hygiene, pick your tattoo, wear tight clothing or let clothing stick to it, scrub the tattoo, or take too long or are not careful in the shower, your tattoo will not look nice when it is done healing. It can have ink missing and sometimes heavy scar tissue over it.
Always result the care instructions. If you feel like you don't understand them, please call and ask for help. Though we can not correct medical issues without categorically Looking the tattoo, we are happy to teach you more about our medical instructions.

We'd rather spend a few extra minutes helping you to have a good medical than to have to try to fix up a tattoo medical gone wrong.

Your health -

If you have any immunity deficiencies, blood disorders such as diabetes, or are on distinct medications such as steroids or blood thinners your tattoo could be affected. It could take longer to heal and not turn out very well.

It is a good idea to consult your doctor before getting a tattoo if you infer there may be a problem. It is a good idea to advise your artist of any health issues so they can tailor the medical to meet your needs.

Damaged Skin -

Long term cigarette smoking, drinking too many soft drinks, eating poorly, and over exposure to the sun damages skin. A tattoo on damaged skin will rarely look as good as one on healthy skin.

Sometimes the colors and lines aren't as animated or clear as they would have been and the artists can not do anything about it. If you have damaged skin you will have to keep your expectations reasonable. Sometimes if the skin is damaged the artist will want to do the tattoo in stages as avoid overworking* it and to hopefully make the medical process easier on you.

If your skin is older, thin, weak, or sun damaged it can also be harder to heal. However, with a petite patience and care the tattoo can heal out fine. So be sure to result the directions determined and for the full length of time, which can be longer than healthy skin

(*When the skin is damaged it is very easy for the artist to accidentally overwork the tattoo. Doing this it can also cause the scabbing to be thicker. If this happens it isn't the end of the world. Just be sick person and when the tattoo is fully healed your artist will want to touch it up for you.)

Sun Exposure -

The sun is your tattoos worst enemy, if you expose your medical tattoo to the sun it can fade the ink before it is even healed. Tattoos that are exposed to the sun too soon look faded, blurry, washed out and much older than they should. Under no circumstances expose your medical tattoo to prolonged direct sunlight or tanning.

Even a healed tattoo, with time, will fade when exposed to the sun or tanning beds. If you must expose your healed tattoo to those evil Uv rays are sure to use a high Spf sun block (at least 45)

Allergic Reactions to Latex -

If you are allergic to latex you will more than likely know before you get your tattoo. Let the artist know so they can adapt you. The signs of an allergic reaction to latex are extreme rash/redness in the case of latex (from gloves worn by the artist) we can use non-latex gloves and tape on you.

Allergies to Tattoo Ink -

Allergic reactions to tattoo ink are very, very, rare but unfortunately possible. Most expert tattoo pigments are made out of natural ingredients that shouldn't cause a problem. They have been proven by their use successfully in the tattoo commerce for many years.

Most population don't have any idea they are allergic to distinct colors of ink until after the tattoo has been applied. Any way we have noticed that population who are allergic to metals and have reactions to cheep jewelry often do react. At our shops, we have only seen reactions with one singular red which we rarely use.

If you are allergic to a pigment it will be obvious by just that singular color bubbling and raising off of your skin. It looks like a blister or a raised red mole. It will itch and not look fully healed no matter how long it has been.

You have two choices. One is to take off the offending color or to use hydrocortisone cream to operate the itching and promote medical which can take up to 5 years. Dismissal is not any more painful than the tattoo process and after it heals an additional one color can be used to cease the tattoo.

If you are involved about having a reaction to tattoo ink ask your artist about doing a "prick test" where a small dot of each color to be used in your potential artwork is tattooed under your skin at least 10 days before your tattoo. This will cost you extra money, but if you have a lot of allergies sometimes it is best to be safe than sorry.

Exposures to Toxins or Bacteria -

If you work/live in an environment with dirt and filth you run the risk of infection. Crisis rooms, nursing homes, hospitals, being around animals & their waste, toxic chemicals, and filth of all kinds can cause serious infections.

It is nearly impossible to get an infection in a expertly applied tattoo. Tattoo shops are required to use more safety precautions than hospitals, doctors, and dentists do. Most shops are inspected regularly by the local health branch and display a certificate of their status. If you are still worried about the shop, go someplace else.

Be smart and use tasteless sense. If you have a dirty job, wear loose protective clothing and do not touch your tattoo unless you have washed your hands. Dirty bedding is an additional one problem. Put fresh sheets on your bed if you haven't done so within a few days of getting your tattoo. Wear clean clothing. Use clean towels and washcloths.

Advices from family & Friends -

When things go wrong population tend to panic. Tattoo medical problems are not an emergency.
If you think that you are having a reaction to your tattoo or the aftercare, the best thing to do is to go back to the tattoo shop where you got the tattoo. It is very important that you consult your artist.

After Looking at the question and asking a few basic questions they can tell what the issues are and help you over come them. Very few medical problems are unsolvable or require medication.

Do not go to your friends and family for advice. They do not have the training to help you. There is a lot of out of date tattoo folk lore going around. Everyone you talk to will have a separate idea and idea of what to do. This can be dangerous.

Advices from Other Tattoo Shops -

Do not go to an additional one tattoo shop. Each artist uses the care instructions that they know will heal their work the best. This is regularly separate from one artist to another. What works well for one artist can mess up someone else's work.

Another question with going to a separate shop is that tattoo shops are very competitive with each other and an unethical unprofessional tattooist will lie to persuade clients to switch artists. They will sometimes go so far as to give out bad advice to ensure the failure of the tattoo.

Do not call around, or look for advice on the internet. No One can help you without Looking the tattoo first.

Your artist knows how you can save your tattoo if you deal with the situation right away. Do not rely on covering sources.

Do the right thing. Take care of your investment. You're going to have it the rest of your life...

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Weather Modification And The US Military

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How is Weather Modification And The US Military

Weather Modification And The US Military Tube. Duration : 5.40 Mins.

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Zumio: [Duel Guides] Hunter vs Feral Druid

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Zumio: [Duel Guides] Hunter vs Feral Druid Video Clips. Duration : 19.03 Mins.

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Stippling on a Quilt

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How is Stippling on a Quilt

Stippling on a Quilt Tube. Duration : 3.12 Mins.

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Gym Leader Battle Pokémon RBY Guitar Cover Feat. LowandSlow8

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Gym Leader Battle Pokémon RBY Guitar Cover Feat. LowandSlow8 Tube. Duration : 2.07 Mins.

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Dragonboat Technique: DragonMax Demonstrates Smooth Stroke

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Dragonboat Technique: DragonMax Demonstrates Smooth Stroke Tube. Duration : 2.53 Mins.

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LED ZEPPELIN'S JOHN BONHAM & HIS DEATH Tube. Duration : 5.28 Mins.

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Ramji Londonwaley (2005) w/ Eng Sub - Hindi Movie

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Ramji Londonwaley (2005) w/ Eng Sub - Hindi Movie Tube. Duration : 165.58 Mins.

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That's Why I Chose Yale

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How is That's Why I Chose Yale

That's Why I Chose Yale Tube. Duration : 16.82 Mins.

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Advanced Parkour Roll Tutorial

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How is Advanced Parkour Roll Tutorial

Advanced Parkour Roll Tutorial Tube. Duration : 9.20 Mins.

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Intermediate Ski Lessons - Keeping Skis Parallel

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Intermediate Ski Lessons - Keeping Skis Parallel Video Clips. Duration : 2.88 Mins.

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In-Ceiling Speaker Installation

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How is In-Ceiling Speaker Installation

In-Ceiling Speaker Installation Tube. Duration : 9.45 Mins.

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Lec 7 | MIT 18.02 Multivariable Calculus, Fall 2007

Practice Problems - Lec 7 | MIT 18.02 Multivariable Calculus, Fall 2007

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Lec 7 | MIT 18.02 Multivariable Calculus, Fall 2007 Tube. Duration : 49.83 Mins.

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RELATIONSHIP ADVICE: The One About EXPECTATIONS Tube. Duration : 11.07 Mins.

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Atwood's Machine Problems

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How is Atwood's Machine Problems

Atwood's Machine Problems Video Clips. Duration : 8.42 Mins.

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TYT Hour - April 21st, 2010

Practice Problems - TYT Hour - April 21st, 2010

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How is TYT Hour - April 21st, 2010

TYT Hour - April 21st, 2010 Tube. Duration : 53.38 Mins.

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Dipset - The Diplomats - I Love You

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How is Dipset - The Diplomats - I Love You

Dipset - The Diplomats - I Love You Video Clips. Duration : 4.20 Mins.

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The Making of Oblivion (Full/Original Sub)

Practice Problems - The Making of Oblivion (Full/Original Sub)

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How is The Making of Oblivion (Full/Original Sub)

The Making of Oblivion (Full/Original Sub) Tube. Duration : 41.25 Mins.

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Kya Rahasya Kya Hakikat - Chakra Dowsing by Hetal Devang - Part 1

Practice Problems - Kya Rahasya Kya Hakikat - Chakra Dowsing by Hetal Devang - Part 1

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How is Kya Rahasya Kya Hakikat - Chakra Dowsing by Hetal Devang - Part 1

Kya Rahasya Kya Hakikat - Chakra Dowsing by Hetal Devang - Part 1 Video Clips. Duration : 19.98 Mins.

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ChiRunning Simplified!, Efficient and Injury Free Natural Running Form Technique Video

Practice Problems - ChiRunning Simplified!, Efficient and Injury Free Natural Running Form Technique Video

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How is ChiRunning Simplified!, Efficient and Injury Free Natural Running Form Technique Video

ChiRunning Simplified!, Efficient and Injury Free Natural Running Form Technique Video Video Clips. Duration : 9.73 Mins.

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Authorization Letter - Sample Letters and Tips

Practice Problems - Authorization Letter - Sample Letters and Tips

Hello everybody. Now, I discovered Practice Problems - Authorization Letter - Sample Letters and Tips. Which is very helpful if you ask me therefore you. Authorization Letter - Sample Letters and Tips

There are many kinds of authorization letter. They are used in many situations, but principally to give permissions, approvals and to delegate responsibility. You can write it to authorize a payment, to give a permission either to do or to use something. If part of an organization, you could need it for a study or report, or to attend a discussion or conference. This letter can also be produced to have entrance to particular files and information. They are very leading in business. It can also be used to authorize someone to act on your behalf when, for instance, you are ill, far away or unable to attend a meeting. Someone else common use of this type of letter is for curative or financial instructions and releases. You may need to write it for curative purposes: for example to have curative records released or to let someone else collect your exams. Or, with a bank, to allow a specific someone to do particular operations on your behalf. It is always better to print it on your enterprise letterhead, as it usually is a formal document.

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But the format changes depending on the circumstances and the target. Obviously you can find templates on the internet but there are many books dedicated to this topic containing all the critical instructions and outside all the situations to generate a well formatted authorization letter. First of all, it is critical that you state clearly what you want or do not want, avoiding any doubt or confusion. It is also basal that you use the adequate language to the situation, and that you give all the critical instructions and details. For example a legal document has a very dissimilar language from a scientific one, so it is critical that the receiver understands the full meaning of the article and, above all, the intention of the letter. An authorization letter can have dissimilar purposes from enterprise or expert ones. It can be used in schools as well as in everyday life.

When you write (or receive) this kind of letter, you must be sure that all the identification facts are correct, clear and doubtless. Pay always attention: it is legally valid only if signed. Basically, it must always be clear and doubtless for the reader/receiver what to do, when to do and how the reader can perform the task. Every information has to be covered. Especially if there is a deadline to be respected. The more explicit it is, less later corrections are needed. They may also be required to let someone else, or an organization, to pick up your passport, or any other personal document. Some authorities need an authorization letter to allow you to live and work in their country. So, do not forget to succeed all the step detailed to write an authorization letter by yourself or to check the validity of one that you receive. Remember to pay always a great attentiveness to the right format and grammar. And, if requested, to write it on a letterhead paper.

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Knee Problems linked With Locking, Grinding, and Popping

Practice Problems - Knee Problems linked With Locking, Grinding, and Popping

Good evening. Now, I found out about Practice Problems - Knee Problems linked With Locking, Grinding, and Popping. Which is very helpful in my opinion so you. Knee Problems linked With Locking, Grinding, and Popping

Lock, Pop, grind and no it's not a dance move

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Knee problems linked with locking, grinding, and popping

Since u are not a firecracker or a soda can you can be forgiven to think that popping sounds in the knee is an indication that something is wrong. The truth though is that popping sounds occurs plainly when movement occurs in the joints. A little misalignment in the knee cap (Patella) or the movement of separate ligaments across the joint can give a popping sound. If it is a case however where this sounds is accompanied by pain then one has suspect for concern. Grist and locking are best indicators of a physiological disorder in the knee, but the pain factor is also very prominent in these cases.


As stated earlier unless accompanied by pain then a popping sound is perfectly normal, however if there is pain then it is often an indication that the previous cruciate ligament (Acl) has been torn. Acl maybe torn in two pieces or there might just be a partial rip, the extent of damage will conclude rehabilitation implemented. If Acl is ripped apart then surgery followed by rehab will be necessary, however for partial tears one just need to stay away from physical activities for awhile as the injury will self heal. A popping sound in conjunction with pain may also be an indication of someone else condition known as Discoid Lateral Meniscus or "popping-knee syndrome". This occurs when there is an abnormal shaped meniscus in the knee joint. This can usually be treated by conservative methods such as stretching, however if pain persist arthroscopic surgery though elective might be required.


When cartilage degeneration occur the bones of the knee joint tends to grind together causing huge pain and producing a Grist sound. This is usually caused by rheumatoid arthritis which rarely occurs in individuals under 50. The degeneration caused by rheumatoid arthritis is irreversible. Patella tendonitis (runner's knee) can also cause degeneration of cartilage and thus the pain and Grist sound. Runner's knee is the most likely cause of the Grist sound in the knees of young individuals particularly athletes. Fortunately in this case the degeneration is reversible, as resting the knee and doing exercises that expand the quadriceps muscles will see the knee return to normal over time.


You may find yourself playing a game of basketball and suddenly being unable to flex a leg or you may be kneeling then find that you are unable to straighten your leg to get up; when this happens you are experiencing a phenomenon known as locking which can be quite painful. There are generally two type of locking, pseudo-locking and true locking. Pseudo locking is a reaction to pain and functions like a kill switch where the knee locks into position when tension in the area becomes excessive. True locking results from physiological problems in the knee, causing the knee come to be rigid, unable to bend or extend. True locking usually occurs when torn cartilage or bone fragment (resulting from a bone disorder known as Osteochondritis Dissecans) becomes jammed in the middle of joints surfaces restricting movement of the knee joint. When a muscle on the inside of the thigh becomes weak and brittle or the outer muscles tighten they can throw off alignment of the knee cap, which also lead to locking.

Locking can certainly be corrected by resting as movement will finally return to joints. In the case of true locking the problem can only be fully nullified by orthopaedic surgery to remove loose bone or cartilage.

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